Monday, July 10, 2006


And now for something completely different

Lately I've been painting more than booking, so here is a recent painting of an old barn on an island in Penobscot Bay (Maine) that I visited last year. I've been painting a lot of structures recently, structures that have some special significance to me - the houses I grew up in, places that mean home in some way. And although I've only seen this particular building a few times, it records a place and time for me that means a great deal. I took some photographs of the barn one day last year, after I'd been walking alone all day on the trails that circumnavigate this island. I emerged out of the dark woods onto this dirt road at the end of the afternoon, and the shadows of the trees were moving on the side of the huge old white barn, and the beauty those shadows struck me like a ton of books. I hesitated to try to paint it, but had to give it a shot:

The painting measures around 22 x 24", and I may attempt a larger version sometime. Apologia: the color in this photo isn't the best, the original is much more vibrant (I use a film camera, not digital, and am not a photographer by any stretch of the imagination), but this gives the idea at least. I may post a few more paintings soon. Meantime, I am going nuts because my sister is finally having her baby as we speak and I'm sitting here waiting for the phone to ring! The funny thing is tomorrow is my other sister's birthday, so of course we are all wondering, when, if...

Your paintings are fantastic. Really wonderful. Do you sell these at your shops as well?
What a beautiful painting, Sarah! Thanks for sharing it with all of us.
The painting is gorgeous! I think you photographed it very well(my dad always had trouble with that). Good luck to both of your sisters and save some for you two:).
Thanks folks - I don't sell work at my shop YET, but that may change some day soon, as the canvases pile up! Used bookshop/gallery? Perhaps. Right now I'm concentrating on the making, not the selling. I sell books so I can do whatever the heck I want with my other work (art, writing). I never want to get into painting something FOR someone else, or just for money. Bad juju. The muses might depart.

lady t - I'd love to hear more sometime about your father's paintings... email me if you don't want to post it to a blog!
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