Monday, August 28, 2006


A picture is worth a thousand words...

...but unfortunately I cannot seem to upload any pictures to blogger this morning. I've tried several times and nothing's happening after long, looooong stretches of time pass by. I'm in the stone age here at the shop, with dial-up and an antique rotary-dial telephone. So in a word, I'm back. I'll have a show-and-tell later on this week. I had a marvelous time away and am finding it hard to return to "civilization" such as it is. Many thanks to everyone for the comments - I am very happy to have more books to add to my want lists, and, as I suspected, my transition back to reality is eased by the knowledge of more good books in the world. I'll be more specific in the comments sections of the past few posts. I mean, what a joy to come back to my shop, but oh god, my shop... even a good used bookshop doesn't compare to a wild and beautiful Maine island. My first day back: I'd been home for two hours and I walked down here to pick up my mail, and of course I ran into one of my most difficult customers out on the street. She pigeonholed me and I couldn't get away for several minutes. Eventually I closed my eyes and said I've got to go. I don't think anything could have illustrated to me more the difference between where I was last week and where I am now. Anyway, don't feel in the least sorry for me, because I'm off again in late September to another Maine island. My customers will really be irritated with me then! And I do love my shop. In case I forgot to mention that.

Meantime, I've got several cartons and bags of books lurking behind me, waiting to be cleaned and sorted, from the library sale I went to right before I took the boat out to sea, a week ago Saturday. I have no idea what I bought, except I have a vague recollection of being terribly excited about two books in particular (Is this a first edition, IS THIS A FIRST EDITION?? It is, IT IS!!). What they were I now do not know. So I will be surprised and gleeful all over again! Other than that, it's been a quiet day so far and I've spent most of it coaxing my plants back to life. Ryan came by to water them twice, but they are happiest when I'm around and all the lights are on, and one of them had really given up all hope. I had to prune it and give it a good soak in the sink and now it's standing up again. I'll leave things there for now - more shop chores are calling.

Good to see you back,Sarah! Sounds like you had a good time but you were missed,indeed:)
Thanks, bookish pals... I appreciate that mightily.

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