Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Two today
The book itself is a series of sentimental stories connected by the conceit of being told sitting at a fireplace. The stories themselves are also connected, and browsing through the book I see that they make up a rather sweet romance.
The second book is The Suburban Sage: Stray Notes and Comments On His Simple Life by H.C. Bunner (Keppler & Schwarzmann, New York 1896). Illustrations by C.J. Taylor. A strange little series of essays about suburbanites and their habits, with chapters on golf, dogs, horses, visiting, house-building, moving, neighbors, and the like. The writing is quite good, but it's this great cover that made me hang on to the book, with its silver picket fence and the sign hanging on the fence reading THIS PLACE FOR SALE CHEAP:Another great all-over cover design. I keep this book on display near the counter at the bookshop. Marked not for sale, of course.'fgang/.Online/Obl-zed..jpg
This particular volume is the plays of Western Europe, hence the picture.
for the book exhibits. Orange Judd link below:,1607,7-160-17449_26719_44786-79217--,00.html
They're gorgeous covers, I think.
Steven, thanks - see today's post!
Hey Kim, thanks for the link, I'll take a look. Eye-candy for bibliophiles is always welcome here...
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