Friday, July 30, 2010


Summer vacation

Well, as you may have noticed, I haven't been blogging of late. And I've recently decided to take the rest of the summer off. I thought I'd better post a note to that effect, though, in case anyone has been checking in and wondering. Let's get away from our computers and enjoy the rest of the summer, as short as it is. Fall is already in the air, today. I'm looking forward to wearing jeans and sweaters again. And lugging wood. And drinking cup after cup of hot tea to help keep warm. But not just yet! During the recent run of splendid hot weather I've been out painting nearly every day, in much-loved and often-revisited locations, then coming home in the evenings and reading art books for consolation, when my paintings fall short of the beauty of the landscape itself. Which happens every damn time. Luckily, this only makes me want to go out and try again, the next day. I don't get discouraged easily.

Besides art books, I've been doing some desultory summer reading. But believe it or not, most evenings I'm too tired from being out all day, which often involves hiking somewhere with canvases and my heavy pack basket of paint and supplies. This means that the pile of books on my bedside table has only grown higher. In fact, I moved most of it over to the top of the dresser, because I was afraid the weight of the pile would tip the table, which is small and old and a bit rickety. When September approaches, I promise a return to regular posting. Until then, happy summer, dear readers.

Enjoy August!
Enjoy that beautiful Maine summer weather, which I'm envying right about now in Texas.
Thank you Dan, and you as well, Chuck - I'll be back, I promise! (Famous last words...?)
Looking forward to September, then.
Joyful August!
Good idea - have a good vacation. Kathleen
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