Monday, March 18, 2013


a brief yet fussy interlude

The ongoing cold temperatures and a forecast full of snow finds me continuing to read self-help books and romance novels.  This is what it's come to, apparently.  I did buy some great books at the local Goodwill over the weekend - many to sell and a few to peruse, including a hardcover of Nick Hornby's novel Juliet, Naked and a decent reading copy of Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography, but I can't tell you a thing about either one, since, as I said,  I am still reading self-help books and romance novels. 

So call me in the spring.  Whenever that is.  (I went outside today and apologized to the crocuses, bulbs, and chives - all of which are showing their hopeful green tips - for the foot of snow we may get tomorrow night.  I hope they were listening.  I meant it.)

Not to sound bitter, but I have totally had it with winter.  Can you tell?  I'm sure I'll be back to my usual sunny self at some point, but until then, apologies.  It's fuss factor ten around here, I tell you.

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