Monday, December 21, 2020


solstice light

A brief note to wish us all well for the winter solstice today.  The turn of the year, here it is again.  One of my very favorite days in the entire calendar, as ancient and holy as it is.  And here comes Christmas too, and the New Year.  May 2020 fade into history and 2021 ring in with truth and justice.

Speaking of solstices.  The book room here at home has one window, partially curtained, facing due north.  In June, at the time of the summer solstice, I always see a ray of light that comes in, for only a few days, as the sun reaches around to that side of the house ever so briefly:

Every year I notice it - What's that light doing in there? - it's usually so dark!  And then I remember, it's the solstice again.  And now, at the winter solstice time, the sunlight slants so low that it finds its way across the south-facing dining room and into the north-facing kitchen (right under the book room).  Our own personal Stonehenge, this wonderful old house we are lucky to inhabit.

Winter light: here's a bit more of it, on nearby Mount Desert Island.  I took this photo on Saturday, when we packed up the picnic basket and went to Seawall for lunch, for my birthday:

I love the light this time of year (and any time of year, really, but winter especially).  It feels like such a gift.  In the bleakness of the short cold days, whatever does choose to shine is more welcome than ever.  Safe and happy holidays, and may the light find you where you live, now and always.  

Merry, merry, to all!


P.S. One of these days I'll ask for details on how your book room is set up. But that's for another time.
In a word, haphazard. In two words, orderly disorder. In three, alpabetical order sometimes. ;O) Happy New Year, it's got to be better than 2020, right?
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